Saturday, June 9, 2012

Cats in the Garden

Patches and Rusty

Well, I can't believe a month has nearly gone by since my last post! I have been busy working, and on my days off, I am out in the garden or playing with the kittens.

Muppet snacking on some catnip

Rusty says "shh! he can't see me!"

Today was just a beautiful day! Hubs helped me remove an ugly bush, and prepare the area for some foxglove transplants. All the kittens helped, of course.  And Johnny boy climbed all the way up into a cypress tree chasing a squirrel.  He thinks he's a bird. But he made it back down OK.

These are doing well~ black barlow columbine. 

Chinese Houses and Spurred Snapdragon seeds  have sprouted!

Then we had a nice lunch of turkey sandwiches and fresh strawberries, and the cats had a snooze on the patio. Perfect!

Millie sound asleep

Tomorrow I'll transplant the rest of that clump of a thousand foxgloves (apparently every seed sprouted, no pressure there!).  And then I really have to get busy making some jewelry. I have a custom order to work on, and lots more to do.  Perhaps make some cookies?